Pete LaMalfa

Front End Web Developer & Jazz Pianist

I am a front end
web developer

who is always enthusiastic about taking on new challenges and finding ways to become a better programmer. I work primarily with JavaScript, React, SQL, Express, Node.js and Bootstrap. When I'm not coding, you can find me at the piano, exploring new cuisines and traveling the world.

My Work


A camera-based smartphone app that returns album details and suggested retail price of a vinyl record by simply taking a picture of its cover.

Technologies Used: React Native, Expo, Node.js, Express, CSS, Google Vision API, Discogs API

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A webapp that helps you find and favorite trees in any NYC zipcode. Enter any valid zipcode within the New York City limits to generate a collection of pins on a map, with each pin representing an individual tree. Click on a pin to view a tree's breed, latin name, condition, address and more. Powered by NYC 2015 Tree Census data.

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Google Maps API

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War - the Card Game

An original version of the classic card game which uses vanilla JavaScript to construct, shuffle and deal a deck of 52 cards.

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